Relationships are extremely difficult to understand and manage. Because we are distracted with technology we have become overwhelmed with information thus our relationships are left behind. Also we are trying to take care of ourselves and many times others and we are working for a pay check or running a business and more. It makes complete sense as to why we are stressed out all the time. However, you don’t have to work that hard at relationships to make them work. What if I said, “You could simply think and it would happen for you.” I am going to explain to you 5 ways to improve your relationship with those around with your mind.
1.) Why wanting is NOT improving your relationship. Typically people want their spouse or lover to understand them, listen to them, stop doing this and stop doing that. As you have probably already noticed that wanting the person to do what you want isn’t working. In fact you will never change that person. However you can change the way you see that person. For example: Lets say you want your loved one to clean more often. Instead of telling that person to clean you simply think about him or her cleaning the house. Tell yourself that she or he is cleaning right now and daily. Also try to notice and remind yourself of the beauty of the other. We fall into the trap of only noticing the bad in others rather than the good. What you think is what you get. 2.) See the other as a perfect human being. Even though people make horrible choices at times their true nature is the light that makes up our reality. We all are perfect beings and there is nothing wrong with anyone. We have been programmed to thinks other wise but as computers can be reprogrammed so can we. If we all indoctrinate the idea that humans are the divine, peace within our relationships will prevail. 3.) How can I serve you. Sometimes we forget to not serve the other and only ourselves. If you find yourself getting upset because you didn’t get what you wanted then you must find a way to serve the other with no expectations. Ask yourself, "how can I best serve those I love," this question will help you get out of the selfish mindset. Also I find that blessing others out loud or within is helpful. Even though serving other's is extremely important it is imperative to treat your self also. Take some time to get a massage or go golfing. You must find balance within your life. 4.) Thoughts of respect Respect has been a quality that many are lacking today. People have been attacking each other a lot in the past decades. However this can change if we change our own thoughts to respect for the other. So when you get upset at others you can take a moment to remind yourself to respect the other by saying to yourself, “I respect you.” Even if the other is disrespectful you must control your anger and frustration and show respect by not reacting. 5.) Improve your relationship with yourself 1st. How do you perceive yourself. Do you see yourself as a kind, respectful, patient, and caring person? Or do you put yourself down with negative thoughts? Are you hard on yourself and to those around you? Not only is it important to perceive others as perfect just the way they are, we must also accept ourselves as amazing beings. If we can’t fall in love with ourselves how can we fall in love with others? We are the origin of our reality because if there is no us how can this world exist? Take some time to say I love you while looking in the mirror.
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My name is Jacob Dietrich and I am a Sound Energy Dynamic Practitioner. I have been using sound frequencies to help people relax, experience joy, overcome pain, and/or access higher states of consciousness for the past decade. In this article I will explain what happens during a tuning session and how it helps you overcome anxiety, fear, depression, and anger. 1st I am going to talk about why and how emotions are experienced in relation to our chakras. As you know we experience many different types of emotions and they are difficult to manage. These emotions are apart of our nature in that we have a specific source where they originate from, our 2nd chakra. This chakra is where we experience love, anger, sadness, joy, depression, fear, anxiety, courage, optimism, and more. Therefore, if you are having a difficult time overcoming any of the negative emotions then your awareness is residing within the 2nd chakra. The most effective way to transcend any issue or emotional problem is to allow your awareness to reside within the 7th chakra. I will explain more in the following paragraphs. We briefly went over the 2nd chakra in the beginning without talking about the 1st chakra. The 1st chakra is why is source of our experience in the physical reality. It is the anchor that keeps the balance of non physical and physical. When you think about a memory your attention is within the 3rd chakra. All your past lives The 4th chakra represents the present moment. The 5th chakra represents the subconscious or ability to connect to nature, other worlds, stars, and more. The 6th chakra represents the christ consciousness where you are able to bring heaven to earth and you are able to see beyond the physical reality. The 7th chakra represents the God consciousness where you are connected to everything but nothing exists. To transcend emotions your awareness must reside within hire states of consciousness. This what happens during a tuning session. How does a tuning session help? In our current reality we are bombarded with frequencies that DO NOT resonate with your chakras/divinity. Because we have a tendency to hold on to these frequencies they can cause problems within our reality. For example smoking cigarettes. This habit is nothing more than a frequency. If you introduce a frequency that is dissonant i.e tuning forks, this habit cannot exist. Each tuning fork emits a specific frequency that resonates with the chakras. During each 1 hr session I surround the body with these specific frequencies to help the individual transcend emotional, physical, and harmful past life experiences. These frequencies wash away unwanted energy because they do not resonate with frequencies I use, like washing a car dirty car. Furthermore during a session we bring your awareness to the higher states of awareness. Accessing higher states of consciousness is why Jesus was able to heel people and more. When experiencing christ consciousness anger, fear, anxiety and depression cannot exist. Not only have my clients reported a deep relaxation experience many have experienced super natural experiences If you are interested in please contact me at [email protected] God Bless Thank You for reading this blog. Jacob People think that they have to eat meat to gain muscle and that we are born as carnivores. They say that your health is at risk if you are not eating meat. They also say that humans wouldn't have become human if we didn't eat meat according to a TIME magazine article, "As a new study in Nature makes clear, not only did processing and eating meat come naturally to humans, it’s entirely possible that without an early diet that included generous amounts of animal protein, we wouldn’t even have become human—at least not the modern, verbal, intelligent humans we are." I find this to be utter ignorance! This is speculation at it's best because researchers like Lloyd Pye, Erich von Däniken, David Willcock, , Zecharia Sitchin, and many others would argue that we didn't become human until we met the anunnaki. The anunnaki spliced our DNA with there own which accelerated our evolution thus we became intelligent human. This may be far fetched but a research who created the documentary, "Everything you know is wrong," further supports this theory.
Let me tie this into perspective we have been eating vegetables since the beginning of our existence and meat was an option we chose to help us survive through the winters. We also need their fur to keep us warm mainly. If we are such carnivore then why do we need to cook the meet? Wouldn't we be designed to eat it raw? Meat did not make us human it was simply another source of protein. When you look at the structure of our teeth we only have two canine teeth and the rest are slightly jagged or flat. Also many people don't point out that our canines are extremely small compared to any other canines found on any other animal. Thus we could and can survive just fine without meat as many many people do. Many indigenous tribes eat only vegetables for more info go to Why Should You STOP eating meat? I ate meat for 35 years, however a friend of mind (Christopher Tims) brought it to my attention that beef, pig, chickens, and fish consumption is a detriment to our earth. An interesting statistic is that for 1 lb of beef consumed, 5,000 gallons of water is consumed. Not to mention the 100 lbs of food used to feed the cattle. Furthermore many many animals experience fear prior to its death, this energy is then transferred within the meat into our body. Note: Physics 101 points out that energy cannot be destroyed nor created. Will your immune system be affected if you don't eat meat? Not if you take the proper supplements. I would consider speaking with a professional about what to take for supplements. I don't take a lot of supplements and my doctor said I am in perfect health. You can get protein from plants and take B12 supplements also meat has creatinine which you can also get as a supplement. Once again consult a professional nutritionist. Is it hard to change? Yes. I highly advise to take it slow. For example: start cutting out meat 1 day out of a week, the next week try not eating meat for 2 days. The following week try to go 3 days without meat and so on. It depends on your body! Some people have to eat meat some don't. What works for one person may not work for another. I am fortunate to have a healthy body and what I am doing now is working. Also I listen to my inner self. For example: Many times I will ask the question to myself how can I best serve myself and those around me. The universe will then bring into my awareness of a supplement I should take or a type of exercise I should be doing and so on. In the end you are the answer to your current situation though it is important to seek answers from professionals also. I hope this helps! God bless Jacob Dietrich SED Practitioner. |
AuthorJacob Dietrich is someone who is always learning and sharing information that will benefit our world. Archives
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